Please enter product name or catalogue number in the searchbox below to search for a specific product.
Rapid test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
502100025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Test for total antibodies (IgM+IgA+IgG) to SARS-CoV-2 virus
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
502080001 |
1 Test |
502080010 | 10 Tests |
502080025 | 25 Tests |
502080100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid Test (Device) for P. falciparum specific HRP 2 Antigen in whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
302030025(1T) |
25 x 1 T |
302030010 |
10 Tests |
302030025 | 25 Tests |
302030100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid Test (Dipstick) for P. falciparum specific HRP 2 Antigen in whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
302040001 |
25 x 1 Test |
302040005 |
5 Tests |
302040025 |
25 Tests |
302040100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid Test For Malaria Pv/Pf (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503150010 | 10 Tests |
503150025 | 25 Tests |
503150050 |
50 Tests |
503150100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid Test for Malaria Pv/Pf
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503010025(1T) |
25 x 1 Test |
503010010 | 10 Tests |
503010025 |
25 Tests |
503010050 | 50 Tests |
503010100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid Test For Malaria Pf/Pan (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503140025 |
25 Tests |
503140050 | 50 Tests |
Rapid Test For Malaria Pan/Pf (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503160001 |
1 Test |
503160010 | 10 Tests |
503160025 | 25 Tests |
503160050 |
50 Tests |
503160100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid Test for Malaria(Pan/Pf)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503030025 (1T) |
1 Test |
503030010 | 10 Tests |
503030025 |
25 Tests |
503030050 | 50 Tests |
503030100 |
100 Tests |
Rapid Test For Malaria Pan/Pv/Pf (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503020001 |
1 Test |
503020005 |
5 Tests |
503020010 | 10 Tests |
503020025 |
25 Tests |
Rapid immunochromatographic test for the simultaneous detection of Malaria Pv/Pf antigen, IgM antibodies to S.typhi and Dengue NS 1 antigen
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
507020010 | 10 Tests |
507020025 |
25 Tests |
Rapid Test For Malaria Pan (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503040010 |
10 Tests |
503040025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid Test For Malaria Pan (Dipstick)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
50302010 |
10 Tests |
503050025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Test for detection of Dengue NS-1 antigen and IgG/IgM antibodies to Dengue virus
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
502020010 |
10 Tests |
502020025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid test for the detection of Dengue NS1 antigen in human serum/plasma.
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
502030010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Test for antibodies to Dengue virus
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
50200010 | 10 Tests |
50200025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid test for Syphilis
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
501100025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid test for Syphilis
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
501090025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid test for Syphilis in whole blood (Modified TPHA) (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
401030025 |
25 Tests |
401030100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid One Step test for Syphilis in serum / plasma (Dipstick)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
401020025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid immunochromatographic test for detection of HIV1/2 antibodies in serum, plasma and whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402010001 |
1 Test |
402010010 |
10 Tests |
402010025 | 25 Tests |
402010050 |
50 Tests |
402010100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid immunoconcentration test for detection of HIV1 and HIV2 antibodies
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402020010 |
10 Tests |
402020025 |
25 Tests |
402020050 |
50 Tests |
402020100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid immunochromatographic test for simultaneous and differential detection of HIV1and HIV2 antibodies
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402030025 |
25 Tests |
402030050 | 50 Tests |
Rapid test for the detection of total antibodies to HCV in serum/plasma/whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402060001 |
1 Test |
402060010 | 10 Tests |
402060025 | 25 Tests |
402060050 | 50 Tests |
402060100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid test for detection of antibodies to HCV in human serum/plasma
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402170010 |
10 Tests |
402170050 | 50 Tests |
One Step Test for HBsAg
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402070025 | 25 TESTS |
HBsAg in serum / plasma (High sensitivity)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402150025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid One Step Test for HBsAg
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
302010001 |
1 Test |
302010010 |
10 Tests |
302010025 |
25 Tests |
302010050 |
50 Tests |
302010100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid One Step Test for HBsAg
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
302020001 |
1 Test |
302020010 | 10 Tests |
302020025 | 25 Tests |
302020050 |
50 Tests |
302020100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid immunoconcentration assay for the detection of antibodies to HIV1 & HIV2 and HCV in human serum and plasma.
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402080010 |
10 Tests |
402080050 | 50 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Test System Pack for Simultaneous Detection of HIV 1/2 antibodies, HCV antibodies, Syphilis antibodies and HBsAg in human Serum/Plasma
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
402090025 |
25 Tests |
402090050 | 50 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of IgM antibodies to HAV in human serum/plasm
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10501010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of IgM antibodies to HEV in human serum/plasma
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10502010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of HBcAb in human serum
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10503010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of HBeAb in human serum
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10503010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of HBeAg in human serum
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10506010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of HBsAb in human serum
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10505010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid immunochromatographic test for IgM antibodies to Leptospirosis in human serum, plasma and whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
501010010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid test for the detection of IgM antibodies to S.typhi in serum/ plasma and whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
501020010 |
10 Tests |
501020025 |
25 Tests |
501020050 | 50 Tests |
Rapid test for the detection and differentiation of IgM & IgG antibodies to S.typhi in serum/ plasma and whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
501030010 |
10 Tests |
501030025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid immunochromatographic test for IgM & IgG antibodies to O. tsutsugamushi
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
501120010 |
10 Tests |
501120025 |
25 Tests |
Rapid Test for detection of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in human serum/plasma
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
501070010 |
10T |
501070025 | 25T |
Rapid immunochromatographic test for IgM and IgG antibodies to T. gondii
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503170010 |
10 Tests |
503170025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid test for detection of Visceral Leishmaniasis antibody in human serum/plasma
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
503100010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic assay for the detection of Anti-Streptolysin O in human serum
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108190010 |
10 Tests |
108190025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic assay for the detection of C-reactive protein in human serum
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108170010 |
10 Tests |
108170025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid Immunochromatographic assay for the detection of Rheumatoid factors in human serum
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108180010 |
10 Tests |
108180025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid One Step device for detection of hCG in urine during pregnancy (Sensitivity ~ 10 mIU/ml of hCG)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
301010001 |
1 Test |
301010010 | 10 Tests |
301010025 | 25 Tests |
301010050 |
50 Tests |
301010100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid One Step device for detection of hCG in urine during pregnancy (Sensitivity ~ 10 mIU/ml of hCG)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
301020001 |
1 Test |
301020010 | 10 Tests |
301020025 | 25 Tests |
301020050 |
50 Tests |
301020100 | 100 Tests |
Rapid one step test (device) for the detection of HCG in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
707030050 | 50 Tests |
Rapid one step test (dipstick) for the detection of HCG in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
103300030 | 30 Tests |
One Step Pregnancy Test for the detection of hCG in urine/serum (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
40201025 | 25 Tests |
40201025 | 25 Tests |
40201025 | 25 Tests |
One Step Pregnancy Test for the detection of hCG in urine/serum (Dipstick)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
40202025 | 25 Tests |
Rapid test for human Luteinising Hormone (hLH) in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
505010005 | 5 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Amphetamine in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10803010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Barbiturates in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10806010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Benzodiazepine in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10808010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Cocaine in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10802010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Test for detection of Nicotine (Cotinine) in human urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10813010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic assay for the simultaneous detection of tetrahydrocannabinol, amphetamine, barbiturates, benzodiazepine, cocaine and opiates in human urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10810010 | 10 Tests |
10810010 | 10 Tests |
10810010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Ketamine in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10805010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Test for detection of Methamphetamine in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10804010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Methadone in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10809010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Opiates in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10801010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Test for detection of Phencyclidine in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10811010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Test for detection of Propoxyphene in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10812010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Competitive Immunochromatographic Assay for the detection of Tetrahydrocannabinol in urine
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10807010 | 10 Tests |
Rapid Test for AFP in human serum/plasma/whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
505020010 | 10 T |
Rapid Test for CEA in human serum/plasma/whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
50910010 | 10 T |
Rapid Test for detection of faecal Ocult blood in human faeces
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
507040010 | 10 T |
Rapid test for prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in human serum, plasma and whole blood.
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
504010010 | 10 T |
Rapid Test for Troponin I in human whole blood (Device)
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
506010010 | 10 Tests |
A rapid, qualitative, Immunochromatographic assay for the simultaneous detection of Hb S and Hb A in human whole blood sample.
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
508010025 | 25 T |