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Latex agglutination slide test for detection of Anti-Streptolysin O
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10430005 |
5 ml |
10430025 | 25 Tests |
104300035 | 35 Tests |
10430050 | 50 Tests |
104300070 |
70 Tests |
10430100 | 100 Tests |
Latex agglutination slide test for detection of C-Reactive Protein
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10420005 |
5 ml |
10420025 | 25 Tests |
104200035 | 35 Tests |
10420050 |
50 Tests |
104200070 | 70 Tests |
10420100 | 100 Tests |
Latex agglutination slide test for detection of IgM rheumatoid factors
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10410005 |
5 ml |
10410025 | 25 Tests |
104100035 | 35 Tests |
10410050 | 50 Tests |
104100070 |
70 Tests |
10410100 | 100 Tests |
Latex agglutination slide test for detection of Anti-DNP
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10440010 |
10 Tests |
10440025 |
25 Tests |
10440050 | 50 Tests |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
O, H, AH, BH - 105200045 |
4 x 5 ml |
O, H, AO, BO, CO, AH, BH, CH - 105200085 |
8 x 5 ml |
O, H - 105210025 | 2 x 5 ml |
O, H - 105210225 |
2 x 2 x 5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105260005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105240005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105270005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105250005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105290005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105280005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105230005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use Colour Coded WIDAL antigen set for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105220005 |
5 ml |
Ready to use WIDAL antigen set for tube test
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10531450 |
4 x 50 ml |
'O' - 105320050 | 50 ml |
'H' - 105330050 | 50 ml |
'AO' - 105340050 | 50 ml |
'BO' - 105350050 | 50 ml |
'AH' - 105360050 | 50 ml |
'BH' - 105370050 |
50 ml |
'CO' - 105380050 |
50 ml |
'CH' - 105390050 | 50 ml |
Ready to use vitally stained WIDAL antigen set for tube test
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
Set - 10540410 |
Set - 4 x 10 ml |
O & H* - 10540210 | O & H* - 2 x 10 ml |
For validation of the performance of WIDAL (O, H, AH & BH) antigen suspensions
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
110100001 |
1 ml |
Smooth attenuated suspension of Brucella abortus antigen for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105610005 | 5 ml |
Smooth attenuated suspension of Brucella melitensis antigen for slide and tube tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105620005 | 5 ml |
Smooth attenuated suspension of Brucella abortus antigen stained with Rose Bengal dye for slide tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105630005 | 5 ml |
For validation of the performance of Brucella abortus/melitensis antigen suspensions
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
11020005 |
0.5 ml |
11020001 | 1 ml |
Smooth killed antigen suspensions of Proteus OX19, OX2, OXK for Weil-Felix tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105830005 |
5 ml |
Smooth killed antigen suspensions of Proteus OX19, OX2, OXK for Weil-Felix tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105810005 | 5 ml |
Smooth killed antigen suspensions of Proteus OX19, OX2, OXK for Weil-Felix tests
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105820005 | 5 ml |
For validation of the performance of Proteus OX19, OXK and OX2 antigen suspensions
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105840005 | 0.5 ml |
105840001 | 1.0 ml |
Screening test for Typhoid, Brucellosis and Scrub typhus fever
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
105910032 | 3 x 2 ml |
Febrile antigen panel for serodiagnosis of antibodies to S.typhi, S.paratyphi, Brucella and Proteus antigens
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10591065 | 6 x 5 ml |
RPR Card test for detection of Anti Lipoidal antibodies in Syphilis
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10514005 |
5 ml |
10514050 | 50 Tests |
10514100 |
100 Tests |
10514250 |
250 Tests |
105160005 |
0.5 ml |
105160001 | 1.0 ml |
Modified VDRL reagent for detection of Anti Lipoidal antibodies in Syphilis
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10511050 |
50 Tests |
10511100 |
100 Tests |
10511505 | 5 x 5 ml |
Haemagglutination slide test for detection of heterophile antibodies in Infectious Mononucleosis
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10810020 | 20 Tests |
Latex agglutination slide test for the Presumptive Identification of Staphylococcus Aureus
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
104500050 | 50 Tests |
Determination of Adenosine Deaminase Activity in serum, Plasma and Biological Fluids
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
M-ADA015 | 15 Tests |
For the Determination of Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Serum, Plasma
and Biological Fluids by Enzymatic Method
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
1102310010 |
10 ml |
1102310025 | 25 ml |
Immunoturbidimetric assay for determination of serum ASO on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108740020 | 20 Tests |
108740060 | 60 Tests |
Immunoturbidimetric assay for determination of C3 in human serum on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108800020 | 20 Tests |
Immunoturbidimetric assay for determination of C4 in human serum on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108810020 | 20 Tests |
Immunoturbidimetric assay for determination of serum CRP on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108730020 |
20 Tests |
108730060 | 60 Tests |
Immunnoturbidimetric assay for determination of plasma D-Dimer on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108770020 | 20 Tests |
Immunoturbidimetric assay for determination of Serum Ferritin On Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108790020 | 20 Tests |
Immunnoturbidimetric assay for determination of HbA1c in human blood on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108780020 | 20 Tests |
Immunoturbidimetric assay for determination of IgE in human serum on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108760020 | 20 Tests |
Immunnoturbidimetric assay for determination of MA on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108750020 | 20 Tests |
Immunoturbidimetric assay for determination of serum RF on Turbosmart™
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108720020 |
20 Tests |
Controls for quality control procedures
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108560005 | 0.5 ml |
Controls for quality control procedures
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108670005 | 0.5 ml |
Controls for quality control procedures
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108580005 | 0.5 ml |
Controls for quality control procedures
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108600002 | 0.2 ml |
Controls for quality control procedures
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108610002 | 0.2 ml |
Controls for quality control procedures
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108570005 | 0.5 ml |
Controls for quality control procedures
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
108540005 | 0.5 ml |
Hb S solubility test for screening sickle cell anaemia
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
M-810020 | 20 Tests |
Turbidimetric test for screening of beta thalassemia in whole blood
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
10840025 | 25 Tests |
Latex agglutination Inhibition Slide Test for hCG
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
25 Tests |
10310025 |
35 Tests |
10310035 |
50 Tests |
10310050 |
70 Tests |
10310070 |
100 Tests |
10310100 |
140 Tests |
10310140 |
Bactericidal, Fungicidal and Virucidal general purpose Antiseptic solution for safe phlebotomy
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
IJT0200 |
200 ml |
IJT1000 |
1000 ml |
IJT5000 | 5000 ml |
Controls for validation of Malaria Rapid test
CAT Nos. | Pack Size |
110456002 | 2x3x0.2ml |